The ZS applied behavioral insights group teamed up with our Vaccine Center of Excellence at ZS to design and field 20 behavioral science experiments with adults in the U.S. representing a mix of age, race, gender, geographies, employment statuses and income levels. Our aim was to test cognitive biases to understand which tactics would actually change people from being hesitant to get a COVID-19 vaccine to being willing to receive one.


These cognitive biases are mental shortcuts people use to make thinking faster and cheaper for our brains to handle, helping us navigate the endless number of choices we encounter every day. But it’s human nature to sometimes apply them to the wrong settings, which can lead us to poor choices or unhealthy behaviors. Commercial behavioral science applies behavioral science techniques and insights like those we explored in this study to define and encourage the behaviors that are important to help companies and initiatives succeed.


This infographic explains which interventions moved the needle on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in our behavioral science vaccine hesitancy study, as well as those that failed to drive behavior changes.